3 stories for you
He was twenty minutes early and I didn't have time to unravel the corny banner we made him. He talked to his former mission president for his a minute and a half before I got to hug him. Which really ticked me off but I shouldn't felt that because it's the "ideal happy family moment". But they were trolling. And when I did hug him it was awkward not this magical moment in time. Then ten minutes later, we took a family picture that Lisa had to crop because I had a major case of camel toe from the static of my dress. Only me. I've never seen my sister in law Kacee laugh harder.
He's weird right now. The world before he left is gone and I miss who he was. It sucks and it's hard for me to talk to him because he's in his head so much. I love him and I know it's a part of life but sometimes I wonder if he's gone and I just need to cope with that. He's still Brian but... it's like the difference between Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White. Gandalf the White is cool and saves middle earth but you can't really hang with Gandalf the White. Maybe I just expected too much for myself or him.
death of a cactus:
In a whirlwind of a cleaning spree while avoiding one of 3 final papers, I moved my cactus to dust and I heard and Snap and I looked down and there was my cactus oozing all over my scrapbooking/craft/art box. I over watered Paulie C. and he's gone now. Kinda like the friendship of the person I bought Paulie C. with.
that part of my life is gone.
rear ending:
Today in Edna I rear ended a truck. A man with blue eyes and a left one crazy told me it was fine and that no damage was done and drove away.Edna's grill broke and I pushed the radio in, but the car is fine and I'm fine well kinda. I next pulled over and cried as hard Juno after Jason Bateman tells her she's leaving Jennifer Garner. It crashing into another car to awaken my emotions and deal with myself. There's a lot I don't want to talk about my life or what goes through my mind on my blog but what I can say is that sometimes God needs you to rear end a man with a crazy eye to get you to say what's truly on your mind. I can't rush this growth or change progress or whatever it is I need.
It takes a lot of time.
Which I have.
He's weird right now. The world before he left is gone and I miss who he was. It sucks and it's hard for me to talk to him because he's in his head so much. I love him and I know it's a part of life but sometimes I wonder if he's gone and I just need to cope with that. He's still Brian but... it's like the difference between Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White. Gandalf the White is cool and saves middle earth but you can't really hang with Gandalf the White. Maybe I just expected too much for myself or him.
death of a cactus:
In a whirlwind of a cleaning spree while avoiding one of 3 final papers, I moved my cactus to dust and I heard and Snap and I looked down and there was my cactus oozing all over my scrapbooking/craft/art box. I over watered Paulie C. and he's gone now. Kinda like the friendship of the person I bought Paulie C. with.
that part of my life is gone.
rear ending:
Today in Edna I rear ended a truck. A man with blue eyes and a left one crazy told me it was fine and that no damage was done and drove away.Edna's grill broke and I pushed the radio in, but the car is fine and I'm fine well kinda. I next pulled over and cried as hard Juno after Jason Bateman tells her she's leaving Jennifer Garner. It crashing into another car to awaken my emotions and deal with myself. There's a lot I don't want to talk about my life or what goes through my mind on my blog but what I can say is that sometimes God needs you to rear end a man with a crazy eye to get you to say what's truly on your mind. I can't rush this growth or change progress or whatever it is I need.
It takes a lot of time.
Which I have.