Skip to 30 minutes later when I find my resident crying over missing his sister. How there's nothing I can do but sit with him while he cries. Then instantly I feel the love of God and the love He has for this man.
I realize that my mission in life is not to fight myself over political matters. I know what I believe and in my heart about certain things and if I'm wrong I'll deal with it in the next life. There is too much sorrow and sadness to waste my time on things. My role is to be kind and to Listen. To be strong and bring joy to others. My therapist says guilt is a wasted emotion. I'm not going to feel guilty for believing in Marriage Equality. I'm not going to walk away from my church either. I'm going to love and remember that Gods number priority is to love one another. Everything will work out and if I'm wrong in the end, I'm wrong. I will be kind and watch out for others on both sides of the fence. Ok off my soap box. I love you all and am grateful God is here for us. We are children of God so let's treat each other like so.