Saturday, January 12, 2013

"Maybe it's not my weekend.. But it's going to be my year"


          So my dear friend Berlin has a list he makes at the beginning every year. And being a lover of lists I stole his idea and decided to make my own list for 2013. 

        I have made these kind of lists in the past and success was not mine for three reasons:

  • I've learned the hard way that if you want something to get done, you need to have a plan in place to make it happened. If I don't write something down, it won't happen. If I don't actually plan out what I'm doing with a time set out for myself it really doesn't happen. I'm putting my list on my I-pod touch so I don't forget about it, on here so I have to account for it at the end of the year, and in my journal so it stays close to my heart.
  • I have also learned that self-loathing attitude of I'm going to "stop drinking caffeine forever, lose weight, get straight A's, stop swearing, read the holy bible and book of Mormon in three months" is also not going to get anything done. Making cut throat rash decision goals doesn't work for me. I once went cold turkey off of Diet Coke for 14 days. Ask Kristina Blesch, I was the meanest thing on earth. I have to ease into things. I take my time getting places.  I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's good to want to improve upon our lives but it's also good to be kind and realistic with ourselves.
  • Most importantly I learned I need to have FUN. Every year I read resolutions or make resolutions myself that are tedious and all around boring. But I like/need to have fun. So that's why if my goals seem odd or nerdy, it's because they are and they're exactly what I want to do with my time. 
Now that's out of the way here's my list:

1. Watch 12 Audrey Hepburn movies. I've been told I would love her so that's what I plan to do with my life. Also there is a common number of 12  in my list so that I can at least can one thing done a month. For example by the end of January I hope to see Roman Holiday.

2. Read @ least 12 books so far, I've read Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert so I'm on my way!

3. Lose twelve pounds. Starting small, but we'll see how far I can get in 2013.

4. Visit Kristina in Florida. Kristina is working at Disney World for a semester and I want to make sure I go and see her. So me and my Tax Return plan to visit her.

5. Drink more water. So far, I'm not doing too well... I need to buy a water bottle. I'm kinda like the little girl from Signs who is super picky with water? I'm trying to overcome this. 

6.Write Better. I was a part of the Literary Magazine at CEU and I miss it. I want to become a better writer. I plan to join the writing center at the City Library and take a class or two to improve.

7.Get involved the Art community. Connect with people. Volunteer  

8.Find God Again
  • Cuss less. No swearing at all on Sunday
  • Sign up for institute and go every semester
  • stay active in calling
  • pay my tithing
  • read the book of Mormon

9.Take more walks outside

10. Paint something new every month 

11. Read  Gone With the Wind. My grandma Wilson loved this story and movie so I want to read it this year.

12. Pinterest challenge: I plan to do 12 things off each of my Pinterest boards. I plan to take awful pictures of the disaster this will create. 

13.Catch all 150 Pokemon on Pokemon Blue version without cheating. 

14. Do good in school. Try my personal best and do everything I can do to succeed. Including, staying home on Saturday nights. 

15. Reread Jurassic Park and go see it the re-release in theaters

16. Try at least 12 new places to eat in Salt Lake City

17. Go to Cedar City for Shakespearean Festival with Kenna and Berlin this summer. 

So this my year plans. I plan to take pictures and blog about these. (I know I never post pictures..)


  1. Your number 10 reminded me to tell you that I have the painting you did of Scott and I hanging up in my room. Every time someone comes in, they comment on it and say how beautiful it is :) And I always get to say that you did it. Thank you so much. It's such a cool momento I get to have of my best friend and I.

  2. I'm happy you love that picture :) I swear I thought I responded to this.
