Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday night with Paulie C and Spongebob

Tomorrow, I have to wake up early so I decided to stay in on a Friday night. I haven't stayed in on a Friday night since Jr. High school and it feels so nice. I just watched the Spongebob Squarepants Movie in my pj's, painted my cactus Paulie C a new pot, and finished (sloppily) two painting projects from April. I forgot how nice it is to just be with myself. I fear being alone and thought tonight was going to be awful because everyone is out and about and I'm at home But, it turns out I'm not twelve years old anymore. I'm a secure enough as a person to be on my own for the night. So have does this have any significance to you reading this? I recommend spending some time by yourself and taking a break. It feels good and now I'm going to Netflix it up before I go to bed before 12(a miracle in itself..) Here's a picture of Paulie's new terracotta pot, I think he likes it more than the cereal bowl.

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