Sunday, November 17, 2013

Going mental

"Mental" my favorite word Ron says in Harry Potter is the word I would use to describe the mess that is my life.  I mentioned last blog that I have anxiety problems for the last month or so I've been working it out. The thing is that you don't really just work it out. It's not a kink in the neck. But chronic. It doesn't leave because you want to go to a party or concert. You can't  ignore it in a crowded church meeting. Being aware of it is a daily battle. This last week, it felt like I was often losing. It's like I used all my energy trying so hard to battle my mental problems. Being cheerful. Filling out the stupid psych evaluation chart at the doctors office right. It didn't occur to me until today that this is real and that it's ok. Its ok to cry every week ( I'm not a cryer I used to go 3 to 4 months without tears) and say No to things.  It's ok to be over sensitive right now because I feel broken. It's ok to pray and question everyday to God because there's a lot I need to work out. It's also ok to laugh and dance and be silly and sing Hey Ya at Karaoke. It's  ok to feel so much joy from  a book you want the world to read (LOTR!!!) it's ok to finally be drawing  and feeling good  about my art and where it is going. It's ok to be hella awkward because you don't know how to address a large group of people or you feel you can be open because  you feel irrational stress around them. It's  ok to watch 7 hours of Grey's because you're behind. Most importantly, it's ok to be mental. I want people to know that. Every has things to work though and mine just happen to be in my head.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


So I have a problem with anxiety. I am now taking medication for it. and it's terrifying. It's also really hard to talk about. It's not that I'm afraid of people judging or not understanding me because mental illness is a part of my life. My family has it. I work in a environment where it is prevalent. I think that when I talk about it, it suddenly becomes real. I'm sick and it scares me that I won't get better. Being around others is exhausting sometimes which makes me not want to go to class or hang out with my friends. I can't take care of everyone around me right now because I need to figure myself out. Which stresses me out because I feel like I'm being selfish and that's wrong. I had to drop one of my classes because there too much on my plate and I feel weak for that because I am no longer a full time student. Which is dumb and petty but it adds to the stress.

It feels good to write about it because then it's out in the universe. I take comfort in art and writing. I'm scared for the future right now but saying all of this helps.

Things that have helped so far with this problem:
-Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
- Elder Holland
 - The movies. There is no greater comforter to me in this world than the movies
-My loving parents
-the beautiful October weather
-my friends
-Katy Perry's Prism

thanks for reading and listening to this.

Monday, September 9, 2013

11:11 (5)

11 things I have to say to eleven different people:

This year, I'm using a song for each of you they remind of you when I hear them.

2. Tadd
8. Cameron
9. Cassie
10. Lauren
11. Katey summer memories :

2013.The Postal Service feat. Jenny Lewis 
2012. Melon Dayz
2011. A train ride to Sacramento 
2010. Bear Lake
2009. Squirrel Mt.
2008. Having my heart broken for the first time and too much Ocean Avenue..
2007. LLCC
2006. Trek
2005. Day of Celebration ugh..
2004. feeling the love of God for the first time Girl's Camp
2003. panic attacks and the Sound of Music

Nine things about myself

1. I beat Majora's Mask this summer and felt more accomplished beating it than getting my Associate's Degree.  

2. I'm obsessed with Mad Men. Oh you haven't watched it? It's on Netflix. Oh the 1st season is kinda slow? Well stick through. It's the most beautifully written T.V. show in history. Everyone should watch it. I love it more than Lost. Yep I said it. Go watch it right now. 

2 1/2. Speaking of Mad Men, I'm 80% Betty, 10% Peggy, 9% Sally, and 1% Pete Campbell because everyone has a little Pete in them even if they hate to admit it.. 

3. My dad is my favorite human being on this Earth. 

4. My top 20 movies: 

1.Ferris Bueller's Day Off
2.Harold and Maude
3.Kill Bill
4.Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
5.Best in Show
7.Lost in Translation
8.American Graffiti 
9.Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
10.Everything is Illuminated
12.The Wizard of Oz 
13.Little Miss Sunshine
14.Jurassic Park
15.Blade Runner
16.Batman Begins
18.Silver Linings Playbook
19.Big Fish
20.The Way Way Back

5. If I was an Egyptian Pharaoh, I would want my tomb for the after life filled with blue Powerade, fruit by the foot, pesto cavatappi, the harry potter series, Harold my pillow pet, coconut shrimp, a gameboy color with blue version and a mountain of AA batteries.

6. When I was 8, I used to practice my Oscar speech in front of mirrors for hours on end. I had no desire to make movies or act I just wanted to cry on stage,wear a pretty and get an award.

7. If I'm not dressed up as a witch on Halloween I feel out of place or that I'm lying to myself. This year I'm being Glenda the good witch.

8. Every time I pass Exit 303 on the Freeway, I flash up. 3oh!3 sign with my hands. And no I don't do this while I'm driving because I don't drive on the freeway. Last time I tried was last month and I started to cry hysterically and didn't make it on the freeway ramp. 
9. I hide my favorite Beanie Babies in my underwear drawer so I don't have to share them with my four year old niece.

Eight ways to win my heart. Hasn't changed since 2009. my trust



4.confidence in to star gazing.

6.good sense of humor

7.understands my boundaries

8.has passion for something

Seven things that cross my mind a lot:
1. only four more years
2. i'm tired
3. i hate you.
4. hippie *swear wordz* when Subaru's cut me off on highland dr.
6. something about Mad Men
7. i want my to be {insert celebrity name here}brown 

Six (8) people who mean a lot to me.
Jim and Lisa
Kacee and Cameron
Brian and Sarah 
future niece/nephew 

Five things I regret doing (or not doing) in my life:

1.not taking art last year.
2.being passive
3.the 7th grade
4. letting the haterz stopping me from doing my thang
5. #cathairdontcare

Four things I'm wearing right now:

bingo shirt from Lesley Brackus
legginz I have worn for two days straight

Three songs that I listen to often:
Black Skinhead-Kanye West
Blew My Mind -Dresses
Annie's Song- John Denver

Two things I want to do before I die:
1. have sex
2. go to Europe 

Pretty simple person.
One confession:

I used my leftover textbook money on Joe's Crabshack.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Embracing the Chubby arms: a step toward self love.

Two months ago, I was at Ross with Lisa. While my mom was sorting through the maxi dresses, I stumbled upon something pink and wonderful AND in my size. Promptly, I went and tried on this dress and fell in love. 

Skip ahead two months to last night when I put this this dress again to dress up for a Karaoke Party. (went as Glinda from Wicked) Something wonderful happened. I finally accepted myself fully. I put this dress on and I didn't look at one part of myself and think "I don't like that." I just felt pretty.

I'm fat. I have been my whole life. Chubby .Curvy. Voluptuous. Pick a word it's me. And being a fat kid, I've dealt with the problems that come with that. I was bullied by others in Elementary School and Jr. High. There was a part of me that would think people didn't think the outside of me so I had to likable as possible to make up for that. Conveniently this made a kind person but also passive and scared to stand up for myself. 

Fast forward to now where I am still fat. Guess what though? I'm also hilarious, Mormon, in Ravenclaw ("Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure"), in love with Harrison Ford even if he could be my grandpa, an artist, a good friend, sailor mouth when I play Nintendo 64, a future Educator, a writer when I want to be, a sister but more than anything
I'm a Child of God and I'm beautiful.

So to the people who used to mean to me when I was kid, the guys who look at women of my size and say they aren't chubby chasers and anyone else who has ever made someone bigger feel like they are worthless, I say you're missing out. And a four letter F word that followed by you.

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Tonight we had my great aunt Maxine over for dinner and she told us stories about my grandma Betty. My grandma passed away on August 7, 1992. I wasn't even five months old but I always have felt close to her. My grandma had lived a beautiful but hard life. Her mother passed away when she was 12 and Betty grew up a lot faster than most people had to. She lived with her aunt Florence who raised Betty and her three siblings as her own children along with her three children. 

Tonight I got a notebook that has my grandma's handwriting in it. She has the beautiful cursive. 

I don't know where I'm going with this post but I guess I am so blessed I am learning about her and the wonderful people I am blessed to be from. 

I'm going to be frank, this week was very hard for me. My artist's block is back is full swing and I have been overwhelming sad. I feel like I have no idea what I want and I feel alone. Which is "normal" for my age but it's scary. Everyone seems to be happy and going places in my life and I'm still "Good ole' Grace" (girl's camp reference) trying to a get grip on college, religion, and what I want to be. 

Two people who mean a lot to me have moved very far away this year and I'm missing them terribly. (cough cough Brian/Kristina) I said good bye to Kristina and I don't know when I will see her next for the first time in my life. She is my sister and I'm so proud that she had found her place in life and that she is so happy. 

Brian is hard to talk about because he moved so quickly and life has happened so quickly that I don't know where my heart or feelings are. Which is deeply selfish of me because I still miss him more than I am happy for him but one day at a time right? 

and of course I don't how to tell him that so maybe I'll just send him a link to my blog.

Back to Betty. 

Remembering where I come from gives me so much hope. It gives me the strength to realize that I am going places. God loves who I am and He knows how I am feeling even if I can't say it aloud. I am strong and have a wonderful life. This is part of being an "artist". Ruts. frustrations. learning to open your heart to express it. 

I recently watched this the other night because I was feeling in a rut and Katey said it would be good for me to watch it.

It's Neil Gaiman (Coraline, Sandman, Stardust etc.) giving a commencement speech and it really has helped me not to want to quit. This is the quote I loved most:
"The moment that you feel that, just possibly, you're walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself. That's the moment you may be starting to get it right."
I'm working on this and blogging my life problems is kinda like drawing them out right? I'll get there. 
This is my beautiful Grandma. I will end by saying though I'm in a rut I know I am a part of a great family. I keep hearing my dad saying,
"Remember who you are." inside my head. By remembering that, I know I get through anything.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


I think I like making bad hashtags a little too much... and putting z's instead of s's to make things plural.
I have a cold in summer or sinus something. which is something I hate but secretly kinda love.

That sounds bad. I hate feeling dizzy walking up the stairs,I hate mucinex more than anything on this Earth and I hate having to lie on my back to sleep  because I can't breathe. I hate missing church when me and God have felt so close lately, but regardless, I liked being sick today.

Maybe this is part of my "I can't control my life so I might as well be happy about it" phase but I saw the positive side in being sick. Also I'm at that point of the night where you're sick but you feel kinda better but not really and you don't want to go to bed because all the crap in your body will settle in your chest and you'll feel like death when you wake up  #iloverunonsentences #takethatenglish1010

 Why today was unexpectedly good:

I watched movies all day which second to travel is probably my favorite thing to do.
I didn't have to talk to anyone about anything
I was sick so I got to hide from Cleaning Lisa*
I didn't have to put a bra ALL day
nor did I have to do my hair or makeup and didn't shower til 4 pm
I'm working on this awful cartoon I used to draw as a kid for Tadd and it makes me happy.
(The title of this fictional cartoon is TOTALLY TEEN GIRLS in which 12 girls of different horoscope signs fight crime. Watch out it's the next Hunger Games.)
I'm overly emotional which can be bad but also good because everything is Funny.

I forgot where I was going with this.... oh I was going to talk about Say Anything with Ciara but I will wait for that when I'm not like this.

#haveagoodsunday joke. it's technically Monday #happymonday

*Cleaning Lisa- Twice a year Lisa goes on a cleaning rampage and yells at everyone A LOT.
#sexycanI ok I'm really going to stop now.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Bucket List/Life list/things I wanna do before I croak list.

Kristina did this and then put a link to my blog which was nice of her and so here is her list

this is the notebook I keep my list in:
Yes that is an elderly woman doing the splits with a cliche Abraham Lincoln quote above her head. 

  • Learn to Waltz- Every since Maria and Captain Von Trap did in The Sound of Music I've wanted to Waltz. 
  • Visit every National Park in the USA with Kristina
  • Graduate from college
  • visit Switzerland. Watching Rick Steve's Europe one Saturday morning when I was 14 made it really appealing. 
  • Beat every Legend of Zelda game ever made. Majora's Mask I will beat one day even though you're the worst companion video game ever made.
  • See, read and comprehend every Shakespeare play written.
  • Eat waffles on a busy city rooftop. - 13 year old me REALLY wants to do this so I think I should make it happen someday
  • see a Tornado in person
  • camp somewhere new every summer
  • Go to a Monster Truck rally. I want to go sooo bad
  • get married in the temple
  • Drive route 66 or what remains of it
  • see The Last 5 Years on stage
  • Spend Christmas in London
  • Change someone's life 
  • Go to Comic Con
  • Go a Disney Cruise
  • Go on an Alaskan cruise
  • Oil Paint in Scotland
  • Visit the Ghibli Museum
  •  learn to speak another language fluently 
  • Read Gone With the Wind
  • Read the Holy Bible
  • Catch all 150 pokemon
Things I have done:

Move out of Murray
  • Read the Book of Mormon
  • Go to Warped Tour

  • See Katy Perry in concert

  • meet a movie star
  • read every Harry Potter
  • Swim in both the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean
  • Go to New York City
    Rainy first night there

  • Go to Disney World 
  • See the Golden Gate Bridge
    watercolor I did 
  • Go to a Midnight Movie Premiere 
  • Meet Dashboard Confessional
  • Meet Bayside 

  • See Spring Awakening on stage
  • Have a "real" best friend- my friend my journal in the third grade so I wrote this angrily in my journal.. I have had many best friends :) 
  • Have a Ferris Bueller Day
    ok senior year was one Ferris Bueller Day after another

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The internet is turning me into a feminist and I like it *sung in Katy Perry voice*

GO watch:

The following is a link to Jessica Rey, a swimsuit designer discussing modesty. I've seen about four or five  different people post this on their Facebook page as well as KSL Five News (Local News-station in Utah) and had a friend commenting on the Youtube video itself.

I have a few things to say about the subject but I feel better discussing my opinion in a blog where I can say my peace and let go some of the anger I feel about this video, the world we live in and the fact that women STILL have to feel guilty about their personal decisions.

Why I am upset:

-This video infers women who choose to wear bikinis lack self respect.
-This video makes men sound like robotic sex crazed creatures who can't control themselves.
-It uses research from a prestigious university which makes it sound more "valid". I am sure the research is accurate but the way they manipulated is wrong. It makes women who do dress differently feel guilty about their clothing choice.
-Modesty is more than wearing a bikini on the beach. It is being gracious towards others different from you including not slut shaming and making any woman feel bad about what she decides to wear. It is her body. It is her choice. It is not a woman's responsibility to dress a certain way to prevent a man for feeling certain feelings about her.
-It is a man's responsibility to respect women regardless of her clothing choice. 
-It is not a woman's fault that the media has taken the female body and distorted it to the point that some men think sex when viewing a female body.
-She tears apart a perfectly happy pop song to use for her own swimsuit selling agenda. As lover of Pop Music I will not put up with this injustice.

Okay I feel a little better...

Mormon side note:
I am a Mormon and I am asked to wear a certain dress code. This is my very personal and spiritual choice to do. I think modesty is a great thing to have in all aspects of life. Once again though, like many things in this life it is a very personal decision for one to make.

Monday, June 17, 2013

I LOVE list going on 6 years

I haven't blogged about my I love list in two years! So here's an update of things that have made me really happy in two years. 

I left off at 1574

the rest of 2011:

1575. Home- Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
1581. Feeling like you're on the Hogwarts Express
on the Amtrak ride to Sacramento in 2011 with Kristina. We went into the Sierra Nevadas and it felt like traveling to Hogwarts.

1584. Tucker Residential Hall
only few understand what this image means.

1597. Tucker 32A
1601. Tadd Mecham
favorite picture

1612. Allyson Mecham :)<----there's a smile by her name 
Hunger Games premiere :)

1627. Lil and Sel

the annoyinz. the reason I believe in true love. 

1629. Muriel's Wedding
1645. Ciara Drawings


1657. Temple Run
1659. Danielle Monroe
love this girl :)

1665. Long talks with Ariel 
long drives late @ night Price discussing our lives. Miss this girl and her very Hufflepuff ways

1670. "kinda" drunk Tadd- texts me kind and sentimental things from Green River.
1674. Being accepted to the U

1682. New Found Glory
1684. Lemurs <3
1685. Yellowcard at all ages
1691. slightly old Gummi Worms
1692. Mckenna swearing at the road
1697. The nice boy who work at the Taco Time on 54th south
1703. Slumber parties with the Price family
1707.smoking Asians
1713. getting better at school
1714. Joanne at the Green River Archives


1717. Beating Wayde at Poke'mon Stadium
1719. Volver
1722. Jazz Games with my dad

1731. Silver Linings Playbook
Seriously, stop what you're doing and go watch it. 
1734. Best in Show
1736. Zachary Quinto
if a bunny rabbit and a beautiful dark eyed man had a baby= Zachary Quinto 

1742. Mad Men no words. so good.
1746.Sally Draper
favorite character. 

1752. Adele the Second
1755. Crocuses in bloom 
1759. Pop Chips 
1761. Ciara's letters
writes notes in my journal that make my world a little brighter
1764. Xanax cookies on Delta Flights
1766. cha- who? who?
1777. Cars Family

1783. getting my library back

Sunday, June 9, 2013

"What do you want?"

Hello! So I realize I was rather... "Sassy" in my last post. If I offended any of the 10 people who read this blog I'm sorry and I meant every word I said.

On to the next one!
I'm trying really hard to write on here at least once a week and since I have yet to obtain a second job this summer, I might actually meet that goal.

Last night I ventured to a far off land called Utah County to visit my dear cousin Rachel. Rachel recently moved down there for school and will be going to UVU in August.

We started off the evening going to see Oz in the dollar theater. The movie was very pretty and a good dollar show. I got to see my homegurl Rachel Weisz who I have idolized since the age of 7 when she was in The Mummy. Zack Braff is also in it who I love. It's worth redboxing. (it that even a word?)

I recently read the book Wizard of Oz in April and have been really thinking about Oz and home and all the things it means to me. The movie is in my top ten favorite movies and I cry every time I watch it. I love the Wizard of Oz  but I won't bore you with a bunch of facts. There is an article about Frank Baum the author of the wizard I enjoyed :)
Also, Ebert's (R.I.P. <3) review of the movie is beautiful.

We then ventured to a duck pond on BYU campus which literally had six different couples surrounding it cuddling watching the ducks splash in the twilight. We threw fries with her roommate and her roommate's friend at Ducks.

I spent the night and we went to her singles ward in Orem this afternoon and I had a wonderful time in Relief Society. I'm not even sure what the lesson was on but to open up the class the teacher asked,
"What do you want?" 
She passed out papers and I wrote:

-to be healthier
-eternal family
-a 2nd job
-to graduate college
-to an Art teacher
-to be independent
-move out of Murray

Next she asked what does God want for us and read Matthew 10:39
39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

This lesson was an eye opener for me because I feel like I haven't really been putting God in my life plans lately. My list is all about me. I didn't even mention God or my family in it. I didn't say "I want my mom to be happy at her new job." "I want Brian and Sarah to do well in Kentucky." It's all about me. I do what I want when I want with who I want. I'm in my 20's and I'm single and selfish. This lesson today humbled me. God doesn't want me to be this way. He wants me to be kind and think of others. He wants me to be better for the future and not just "right now". I've had a lot of free time lately and it's making me slow down. I take Lucy for walks, I read, I sit outside, and I think. I love this because I'm finally getting to the point where I'm opening up to God more and not fighting with myself so much. I feel another self-realization that is going to make me a better human being. I'm going to try to be a little less selfish this week and ask what God wants for me.

glow duck at the Duck Pond.

Happy Sunday :)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hi my name is Grace Wilson, I'm Mormon and I love gay people.

Hi my name is Grace Wilson, I'm Mormon and I love gay people.

A few years ago, I would be afraid to say that. I would worry about "offending" someone saying that. Because in that statement alone is a world of turmoil. But I am now a little braver and a lot more assertive so here it goes. ( I am so Peggy from Mad Men right now.. Don't worry I will probably post about Mad Men soon enough and why I love it and why I never shut up about it.)

This is what I assume a lot of people our world think when they hear

"Hi my name is Grace Wilson, I'm Mormon and I love gay people. "

-but you're Mormon? How do you love Gay people? 
-Oh well you're just a Fag Hag. You can't get a boyfriend so you hang out with Gay men hoping one day they'll turn for you.
-you're just saying that because it's what your friends are into and you're an art major and all liberal who is fighting "the man". You're too young to understand. 

Now I'm going to address the following not because I should have to do this but because it's the world we live in that I need to address these things.

-but you're a Mormon? How do you love Gay people?

We as Latter Day Saints are supposed to love everyone. There is no clause that says "everyone but" in the Book of Mormon.
3 Nephi 12:16 states "Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
As saints we need to love our LGBT community. It is our responsibility to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Show people our good works. We treat everyone with kindness and be respectful if someone doesn't think or feel the way you do.

Oh well you're just a Fag Hag. You can't get a boyfriend so you hang out with Gay men hoping one day they'll turn for you.

When I have heard this over my lifetime, I get so angry. It gets under my skin people think of straight people who have gay friends in this way.
1. FAG is never an okay word to use to describe another human being.
2. Hag infers that women who do spend time with the LGBT community are unattractive. It also makes women sound like they must be attractive to be of worth.
3. I am my own person and when I find the right man for me, it will be my choice. Not because I wasn't good enough or because I hang around Gay people who "scare" straight men away. It will because I decided that someone was the right one for me. I don't want to date or marry a man who is homophobic. I won't do it so if I scare a man away someone because they're not open minded enough to be around someone different from them, I don't want to be with them.
4. I have straight, gay and lesbians friends. I don't make friends based on sexual orientation. My gay guy friends are all very handsome fellas but are closer to brothers or distant attractive second cousins. In other words, they're in the friend zone for life.

-you're just saying that because it's what your friends are into and you're an art major and all liberal who is fighting "the man". You're too young to understand.

If you have ever felt left out in your entire life, you're not too young to understand intolerance. I believe I felt out of place and that I was weird at four so no I'm not too young to understand when someone is judging you. My friends are into treating others right because those are the people I want in my life. It's not a phase I'm going through but a constant determination to be better and treat others with love. It's not easy. I'm not standing here perfect. I've treated people with disrespect but it's the trying that is making a little better.

I really needed to get that out in the world. I'm sorry if I was preachy but it is what I believe. We need to change the way we treat others. So have a lovely Sunday. :)

A few pictures from Pride :)

 Me and the beautiful Cassi Mecham. :) I'm excited for her to come to school up north so we hang!
Tadd got an Iphone 5 and now they're our an assortment of awful pictures of me on Facebook being tired and sweaty.
Some lovely ladies from "Ru Paul's  Drag Race." I have the same ears as Pandora's Boxx on the right.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Well I was waiting to write this because I WAS supposed to see The Postal Service tonight but...
So I have to wait until July which makes me sad because I just learned Mckenna will be in Georgia at that time. 

But regardless I'm going to cheer myself up by talking about my dreams coming true this month musically. 


I bought this ticket on whim honestly so I could hang out with my friends and be included. I'll admit it. But it was the best 15 dollars I've ever spent on a whim. Marina is not also talented but full of heart and beautiful. She sang a song called Teen Idle It's so pretty it speaks for itself.

Perks of being 21: free Diet Coke/not standing in huge crowds at concerts at the bar.

Tadd and Marina (Hannah and Kenna are standing over to the side)


This woman. She is a sassy feminist who I hope to contain all her confidence someday. She made me feel like I could do anything. I've wanted to see her since I was 15 and feel every age inside me happy when she was on stage. I'm so bad at expressing how amazing she was. 
"You ever had a friend who is a complete dick and you're always defended them saying oh that's the way they are. And then you realize one day, they really are a complete asshole." - Kate Nash I related a lot to this song. 


AHHHHHHH!!!!! I saw them perform on SNL and I never knew how beautiful Ezra was (lead singer). They are wonderful I cried tears of joy when they played Horchata.

It was a wonderful night spent with the lovely Mckenna Schwab 
(curse you blogger for making my pictures look odd shaped.)

Postal Service will come too! I am blessed and am happy I can rant and post about all the music that makes life great.